So I am bowing to some pressure and writing an update, not that I have a ton of time to do so, nor do I have that much new and exciting things to post, but apparently so those who might have forgotten that I exist in reality may see my site and recall those happier days of the past . . . yeah, or something like that.

 Since I last wrote I have moved back out to TMC for the spring semester, I flew out on the 12th and was greeted at the airport by the beautiful Brooke and her parents who so very kindly hosted me for a few days. Campus life started with the Truth and Life Conference on the 17th through the 19th. I reclaimed my room on the evening of the 15th and then spent part of the 16th working on equipment that had been rather worn out from last semester. Wed the 17th was busy with setup and sound checks and such, but it went really really well and by the end of the conference although I was pretty tired there was a really good feeling of accomplishment at a job well done. Everything went well with very little actual showtime hickups, but prior to opening each night I think we have to credit a few of our Chapel Media Monkees with super human effort at what all they did for the conference.

 That Sat, the 20th, I attended the first wedding of many yet to come of school friends. Paul and Thais both had spent the semester in Israel last spring while I was there and it is through that time that their relationship took off. It was great to see them again, as Paul had graduated and Thais dropped out of TMC to prepare for the wedding. Also got to see a number of people from IBEX that were there and all in all it was a good time.

The rest of the weekend was spent back down at the Estrada’s picking up a pile of things that Brooke had not been able to fit in her two huge duffels, as well as enjoying some amazing home-cooked food for the last time in a long time.

 Monday we started class and already by Wed I have had my first quizzes and such . . . so things have just been lining up getting ready to take off. I am hoping that with one more class then I had last semester, on top of all the same hours of work, I will be able to see the seriousness of my schedule and make the best use of my time as possible. It is tough, but I hope that it will go well.

This week I have to really hit the books, a lot of my HW is going to be reading so I am planning on spending several hours a day on it so I dont get stuck behind. We shall see how it goes. Last week I read a book on Ronald Reagan for my American History class that isnt due til the end of the semester, so if I can keep it up I dont think I shall run into any problems.

 And thats about all for now, I am sure there are things that I could ramble on and on about but I should be reading right now or writing a response or studying notes or something like that . . . I love it here but I have to admit that there are times when the work just gets to me and I feel like walking out . . . so far that hasnt happened this semester but of all the semesters so far I think this one shall test me the hardest on that.

 God Bless

3 thoughts on “

  1. Hmm, not forgetting any small bits of news are we? Are are you going to go the subtle reference way for a while?

    Also I supposed if you’re updating I should to. But I pretty much have the same reasons, school, work, trying to establish relationships here, and my two external work projects. *sigh* It’s a good thing I like reading, and I hope you do to.

  2. I think YOU are one of those Chapel Media Monkees we need to credit for your super-human effort. You make me look good, and more so you honor the Lord with your joyful and diligent service.


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