“Man, we gotta be…”

So once again I found something from one of my friends that I wanted to share with you. Its not long as you can see, but it is very pithy. Credit for this goes to my friend, former co-worker, and general all around genius, A. Howard.    

 – Amos


I don’t think a straight forward reading of Scripture could produce the kinds of Christian culture we see in America.

What I see, mainly, are two groups of professing believers:

There are those who hold more to tradition than Scripture, who read cultural conservativism into their Theology, and who are comfortable doing the same things and fitting their Christianity into compartments –

And then, there are the reactionary liberals, who recognize these problems but throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak. Those who care more about reachihg people, being with the hurting, and actually enjoying the life that the Lord gave to us, but are too quick to bend or throw out the claims of Scripture to reach people.

And then there’s Jesus. Man, we just gotta be like Jesus.

We gotta realize that ‘Radical Living’ is normal for a believer. It’s only radical to those on the outside.