So I was cleaning up around my room the other day, picking up things that have lived on the floor for a few weeks, I think we all know how that goes, and I got to putting all my books and stuff away on my shelves and I found my IBEX semester scrapbook. I guess I dont really know about you, but for me this is one of those things that I can never really let go of. The memories of everything crazy and insane, as well as serious and life changing are all bound up in it. Not really in the book, for it is just paper with copy toner on it, but in the things it helps to bring to mind. Walking through ancient ruins all throughout the country of Israel, learning and singing songs in Hebrew, memorizing the streets of the Old City by walking through them all, hanging out in the library working on projects/papers. Ohh the fun times . . . I know everyone has those things that will always be special to them . . . and this is one of mine. Thank you to all my fellow IBEX’ers for the good times, reading through my book was so cool.
God bless you my friends!!