James 1:17

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above”

Every good thing. What is a good thing? From the perspective of scripture everything that happens to the believer is a good thing, we’ve been promised that nothing is done to us that isnt for our best interest. So everything that happens to me is for my best, and it must follow logically  then that it is good. Not that I always see it as good. By far my common reaction to so many less-then-perfect situations is to be upset, or frustrated that its not as good as ‘I’ think it needs to be. Im working on it, but as a few friends can attest, here and there I break down again, usually over the same things as before. Its depressing. 

On the flip side, when what I perceive as a “good” thing happens, I am apt to almost dismiss any outside influences and think that everything is good cause its all just working out the way I wanted it to. Which is totally the wrong way to think about it.

And then there are sometimes when what is causing the frustration is resolved, and I need to be careful to not believe that I had anything to do with it. I dont pull any strings, I dont convince God to do or not do something, I dont have the smallest effect on anything, and yet “good” things happen. To me. All the time. Especially in light of the first statement about everything being good.

Pray for me, that when good and seemingly not so good things happen I will be mindful of what is really going on. That behind the scenes this really is the best for me. Pray that when God sends what I have been longing for sooo much, that I dont lose sight of God in the midst of the situation. That as I have been leaning on Him to provide that ‘perfect gift’ I will continue to rely on Him as I enjoy that gift. That I dont forget that everything “is from above.”


Thanks friends

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