Outreach . . .

Wow, it hardly seems like it has been nearly two weeks since I last sat down to write, time is passing so incredibly fast.

Life has been interesting since I last wrote; I’ve passed a few tests, been to way to many classes for my liking, setup, ran and tore down chapel something like 7 times, been through way to many nights with less then 6 hours of sleep . . . I think you know the drill. Life just gets busy and stays that way . . .

. . . until now, this coming Wednesday through Sunday has been dedicated here at TMC as Outreach Week. OW is three days that as a campus classes are canceled and teams of students are sent out to various churches to serve full time for 5 days. It is intense and the variety of things that they get to do is astounding, one team is going up to a mens rehab center to spend some time with the men there, leading bible studies, playing basketball, just hanging out with these guys that really need to know the love of Christ and be drawn to salvation. Some of the other teams are out walking through neighborhoods sharing the gospel door-to-door, serving in homeless ministry, or working around the church. Whever that particular church needs help out people are there to tackle any project. It is a great service to these churches and something I wish everyone could be a part of.

Despite such a feeling I am staying here for the rest of this week. Not that I dont really want to go, for I would love to go, I just feel like this year with all that has been taking my concentration and time I would be better off to take the time and spend it on homework, rest and spiritually refocusing. Recently I feel so often that I am not really doing as well as I should be, I have been very tired many mornings when I have to get up and so I “dont have time” for devotions before I run off to the craziness of school. It shows, maybe not outright with everyone that I encounter, but there have been several times now that one of the guys will just remind me that, whatever situation I am frustrated with, it really doesnt matter in the long run and that it is better for me not to do something then to do it poorly or to injure others while trying to finish the task. I hope then this super-long weekend to take a bunch of time and dive into the Word and see where I can improve and what I can do to push these attitudes and frustrations out of my life.

Yeah, I really need help. There have been some other things going on that have also been on my mind a lot, and I need some time to tie up some of the loose ends and finish them off. There is nothing really serious and not really any of it is anything that I am truly responsible for, but in one way or another I have been brought into them and right now just need some time to clarify and resolve them in my head.

In other news and things not so serious, our annual Fall Thing banquet was last Friday and I was invited to go along with Jess. It was a great time, there was a live band, lots of friends, some really fantastic costumes, and some pretty good food. I had a great time and was really honored to be asked by multiple people to pose with them for a photo, and I got a few of them back . . . so . . . here are a few of my friends for you all to laugh at . . . or cry with . . . or just to get a little peek into the world that I find myself totally imersed in.

Jess and I
She was my “date” for the night . . . and we have been catching flack for that ever since . . . so dont even think about leaving me a comment about her!

Ashley and I
This is Ashley . . . shes pretty cool, and she has a really nice truck . . . but I dont have a picture of the truck . . . oh well

A third one I can remember but alas . . . the photos are stuck on the camera still due to some computer issues . . . oh well . . . Lauren is a new friend of mine, she is new this year from North Carolina! She has been regularly over to Oak hanging out with the guys in the room next door . . . but nice and friendly nevertheless.

I guess thats going to be it for tonight . . . hopefully I will have some other time to write some more this week . . . I have a topic or two in mind still . . . just not really any time to develop them into a good post . . . so stay tuned and we shall see what we can work up by next week.

May the Lord bless you as He has so wonderously done in the past.

3 thoughts on “Outreach . . .

  1. hmm…a post with three women mentioned, i wonder what that could mean? what with your brother’s romaitic news and all…hmm 😉

  2. very cool pics!! been praying 4 u this week! hope that the rest is just what you needed! talk later….

  3. so…you and Jess are…?

    ^^read sarcasm directed as stereotypical comments^^

    There are some things I DON’T miss about school. =)

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