overwhelmed . . . and broken . . .

In the last day or two I have been able to wrap up a few books I was working on, and the work that I now face is just a bit overwhelming. The titles that I was reading boil down to a single truth. Looking at different aspects of the Christian’s walk, it ALL comes back time and time again to the simple truth of the Gospel.

Life gets all crazy and ideas are rolling around at 90 miles an hour, and after a few days of that, I dont know what to think . . . the Gospel has slipped priority and is now somewhere in the lower ranks of importance, and it shows . . . at least to me as I contemplate what is going on.

Problems come up and I am taken up in trying to solve them, and when I stop looking towards the Cross for my strength as I try to perservere through those problems, I lose the ONLY thing that can truly help me with those problems. 

When decisions are facing me, and I dont take them to Christ FIRST, I fail at my calling.

When doubts about the goodness of God rise in my mind, when thoughts of abandonment start to take over, when I feel like I am struggling along all by myself. I am. 


So many time I have forgotten WHO God is.

So many time I have forgotten WHAT Christ has done for me.

So many times I have forgotten WHERE I would be without Him.

So many times I have forgotten.


The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to EVERYONE who believes. (Rom 1:16)

The Gospel reconciles us to God, even though we are enemies. (Rom 5:10)

The Gospel is a gift from God, who did not HAVE to do anything at all for us. (Eph 2:8)

The Gospel is simple. (Rom 10:9-10)


And yet I find that the Gospel, which is supposed to be the center of my life, is rarely the focus of my active thoughts.


Jesus Christ died for my sins according to the Scriptures. He was buried in a tomb, sealed away behind a unit of guards. And despite that, He was resurrected as the first fruits of salvation, releasing the grip of death on me. Releasing the mastery SIN had of me. Providing a perfect eternity with Him in Heaven.


I forget to remember.


I feel broken.

One thought on “overwhelmed . . . and broken . . .

  1. so i have this same thing happen to me all the time.
    it seems that i serve and serve but how can you continue to serve if it is from an empty well?

    continually i need to be filled with the reminder that He died for my sins and i deserve nothing. absolutely nothing.

    thanks AJ! good thoughts.

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