Greetings friends! As I am sitting here in my room, at my old pine desk that I bought at an auction a few years ago in a chair that I bought a few auctions later that matches, I just want to let you all know that I did indeed make it home in one piece.…
On recieving a phone call . . .
“I am off to save the world . . . again . . . crap!”
The Officially unofficial rules of Calvinball 1. All participants must wear a Calvinball mask. Sorry, nobody’s allowed to question the masks! 2. Game’s object should be made up as you go along. 3. The Calvinball can be any type of spherical object, such as a volleyball, soccerball, basketball or snowball. 4. Any player involved can…
Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. Â Â Â Â Â -Â Richard David Bach
I don’t like spinach, and I’m glad I don’t, because if I liked it I’d eat it, and I just hate it. Â Â Â Â Â -Â Clarence Seward Darrow, 1857 – 1938
Reflections on Easter . . .
So I guess in some sense this will be the obligatory Easter post that I see popping up everywhere else in cyber-land. But I would hope that in some sense this will not be that typical ‘remember the death of Christ’ kind of post. I was sitting here trying to work on a paper thats over…
The Other Day . . .
I cried the other day In the arms of a very dear friend And we cried together Not out of anger or fear Nor of frustration But rather because of love And how it changes
Gmail . . . I love it!
Just so all of you who missed this can laugh with me . . . Gmail launched a new service on Sunday . . . called Gmail Paper. If you are interested in the service but dont have a Gmail account, feel free to send me a request and I shall give you an invite.
So I have made it back in one piece and am in the middle of some craziness . . . we got school and life and HW and sleep and work, so shall we say that things have been pretty busy since we got back from break. I dont really know what else to write…
Late night randomness . . .
Whats the square root of your birthday?
Wrists . . .
For all of you out there who have maybe been wondering whats been going on, or if you have heard something but arent quite sure what to believe. I have decided that now is the time to share it all and let you all into the exciting world that has enveloped me over the last…
So I am bowing to some pressure and writing an update, not that I have a ton of time to do so, nor do I have that much new and exciting things to post, but apparently so those who might have forgotten that I exist in reality may see my site and recall those happier…