So I started a group that went and saw the Kung Fu Panda midnight showing and I have to say that I am quite impressed with the film. It had a number of funny scenes and lines that we all enjoyed, and was quite far beyond what I expected from it. As a tech nerd there…
go check it out . . . So its not something I found on my own . . . credit for bringing this to my attention goes toÂ . . . web space of my friend Clif . . . should be a link over on the side to his blog all the time . . . but this is special…
Why is it that more and more of the people I know are getting married? and perhaps more importantly, why are they progressively younger and younger then me?? So its like the people that are my age have now been married for a while and are having kids, and then some of my friends that…
inside the glass
Well . . . its been a few days now, I started working for the college last week and things are going pretty well. I keep running into new little quirks of the job, but they are all completely within the scope of what I can handle. So its all good.
Braindead . . .
So here it is . . . I’m sitting here, staring at a DS class I just started. Working on the first paper, and . . . it’s just not flowing . . . I feel like its so chopped up still . . . and I was hoping to get like half of this…
And its been a while . . .
So in case you didnt know . . . I made it home for break . . . and we have been having a pretty good time ever since . . . so Im glad to be here . . . I have a DS class to tackle this break . . . which means…
. . . . mmmmmm . . . .
So heres the deal … Its 4am . . . and theres frost on my windshield . . . which is not all that uncommon considering that it is December . . . but THIS IS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOLKS!! Its not supposed to freeze here!!! All in all though, I kinda liked it . .…
How do . . . . . ?
So there has been something on my mind now for a while, going back to mid-October and some things that I have noticed, things less then ideal especially when you consider the calling we have been set apart for. Our calling is to be distinct witnesses in a dark and troubled world. To provide absolute…
So yes, I am still alive! Been some crazy three weeks or so since I last posted anything, but Ive managed to make it through everything and will be having a nicer, more relaxing, week upcoming. Hopefully I will get some more free time to write more later, but for now this is about it…
late night ramblings . . . again
I feel so conflicted tonight, there are so many things running through my mind as I sit here on the floor in my living room. I want to be more then I am, I want to be able to help so many more people then I can, I dont want to be ‘stuck’ here taking…
. . . on the edge of the road . . .
Id be afraid to get out and interfere with them, the cars that slow down, check it out, and then keep going scare me.
Quarters, Radiators, & Homework
So its been a while since I last sat down to write, and I have to admit that there have been alot of things going on. Nothing to huge or dramatic and certainly nothing life-threatening, but still plenty of things for sure. To start with, after the whole tire fiasco a few weeks ago .…