

Hi, I suppose you expect me to be hard at work on a home in Mexico right now, right?

Well, that was not meant to be. Wednesday night my body rebelled and kept me up all night with a bout of some pretty bad abdominal pain. I didn’t fall asleep until sometime between 6-7AM. I woke up about 9AM, called in sick to work, talked to the wonderful and beautiful Jennica, and then went back to bed for a few hours.

When I woke up again, I was feeling somewhat better, if I didn’t move, my side didn’t hurt! But I decided that I was not up to the task of spending hours in a vehicle and then lifting/putting a house together.

All that to say: I did not go. 🙁

I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I couldn’t make myself do it. And part of me is glad. Even now as I write this at lunch time on Saturday I have some lingering sensitivity in my side.

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