So I made it back . . .

Greetings everyone!!

I am back in the land of more normalcy, but only for a very brief time.

This past week was amazing. I left home on Fri morning about 7.30 and didn’t get home till Sun night about 12.30, a week and a couple of days later.

The reservation is such a huge mission field, aprox. 300,000 Navajo are living there and they are in such need of the gospel. But one of the major hurdles is the idea that Christianity is the “White Man’s Religion” and they have to return to their traditional roots for purpose and guidance for their lives. It is a challenge but God has raised up some native pastors and we were able to work with one this last week.

What all did we do? Mostly I was just working on the construction part of things, but the rest of everyone was very heavily involved with VBS. It started on Mon morning with about 30 kids and by Fri I think we had 4x that many!! Amazing!! Pray for them, that as they heard the gospel it would strike a sensitive heart and bring one more of the many thousands of unsaved Navajo to Christ.

The projects that I was working on were simply basic things that hadn’t been finished. Apparently there had been a group last summer who had put up some sheetrock and mudded it, but it was poorly done and needed lots of help. Praise God for a group who wasn’t scared to jump in and tackle things. Most of my time was spent keeping them on track, finding tools or mud or something. I also spent a lot of time trying to find things for everyone to do because I wasn’t involved with the kids. Good or bad I have decided that despite my huge family I am not really that big into kids . . . I know, I know . . . sad aint it??

Anyway, by the time we left Sat, the walls had been painted, the ceilings were textured, a bathroom sink actually drained, and the drain vents went out the roof instead of just into the attic!! That last one was a big improvement, no more stinky draft in the building!!!

There was also some great one-on-one time with a few of the guys and I really appreciate the opportunity that I had to get to know some of them. I had grown up with a few of them but kinda lost touch when we changed churches about 8 years ago . . . so it was wonderful to talk about things as well as get to know some of the new people that I sorta knew.

And that’s that!