Terrorist Chickens

In the flow of life . . . sometimes it is worth it to have outstanding friends . . . who scour the globe for crazy things!

Anyway, finally am making some time to update you all on some of what has been going on these past two weeks or so since I got back to school.

It started with my arrival on the 12th and my departure on the 13th with the truck that I wrote about last time. We went to Palm Desert for the Servant Leadership Staff retreat where I was helping with the media setup and operation as well as some video capture for a retrospect video that we get to put together some time soon, beings that things are so busy right now it will be another week or two yet . . .

Then we got back Wednesday night, wow . . . just one week ago and turn around Thursday and unload and put away all the stuff that we had hauled down for the retreat . . . also spent a few hours cleaning out the office and trying to get it ready for a new semester of production . . . what fun!!

Friday I went down to GCC and helped set up the stage mics for Sun and then came back and we started to set up for Sat . . . which turned out to be like crazy busy . . . I was keeping track and worked 13 hours Sat . . . with time off for breaks!! All in all things went really well, despite some concerns that stuff was bound to turn out bad just cause it has been like 8-9 months since I have had any hands on time with things.

Sun was church and then an afternoon of driving around to pool parties and capturing video of new students having great fun . . . and also perhaps encouraging a few of the activities that I captured . . . naaah . . . not me!!

Mon seems like forever ago, yet it has only been three days! This is the story of us all . . . its only Wed, yet it could have been a week and a half or even longer since they all arrived. Anyway, we had Valley Invasion and then Family Affair . . . the invasion is a sort of photo scavenger hunt, each group is given a copy of a list of things/places/items to find and be photographed with, each location having a point value and the team with the most points in the end wins! Its more of an area introduction with a competitional twist . . keeps it moving and makes it interesting . . .

One of the stories from Mon is that I was kicked off the McDonalds premises . . . because I had a video camera . . . kinda lame, but funny at the same time . . .

Tuesday was a bit slower, everyone went down to downtown LA for a session at the First Evangelical Free Church (I think . . . ???) about missions. It was a bit crowded so I kinda skipped out and stayed outside with a bunch of the other peoples . . . but got to help setup lunch that way, so it worked out! That afternoon was more or less free time so I went over to the bookstore and spent over $100 on books . . . actually wasnt that bad considering that one semester I had a single book that was more then $120 . . . stupid Stats text . . .

Today I slept in late, although I managed to be awake on time the shower was running and so I stayed in bed to wait for it to free up and then I wake up again at like 9 . . . but it was nice to get some extra sleep . . .

Then this afternoon everyone went out to the beack for some swimming, ball games, hanging out time, and sunburns! Got to spend all day with a camera in my hand finding people doing silly things and making them regret them all as soon as they noticed I was there . . . but it was good. Met a few new people, and overall had a great time.

So . . . this is basically all I have been doing . . . getting up early and then staying up late and in the middle through it all getting some great stuff done . . . I love it!!

One thought on “Terrorist Chickens

  1. Well aren’t you the busy guy?

    Guess I have a few questions/comments…..

    1) Didja see desert stuff in the Palm Desert? or highway and city life?

    2) Pool parties aren’t my favorite….I just can’t get the hang of callin an 8 ball, then hitting in the white….uh!

    3)Did you say STATS class?Ugh!..I was trying to help out my son Justin with text books. So, I try to be a wise stewart with the funds, right?….I convince him we can get his books cheaper on ebay. Now that class has started, (bookless)we find out ebay slammed their doors on “our bogus seller”…and now, I get the priveledge of learning how Paypal can attempt to help stranded buyers get their money back. Do you think my school…”School of Hard Knocks” has a football team?

    4)I am a California girl….I’m glad you go swimming at the beack….I miss wading and playing with the waves of the beack. 😉

    5) You mentioned “mon” a few times. He must be quite the story teller, sharing Micky D’s camera incident and all.
    Tell him I said “Hey, Mon”….(does he have dreads?)

    ……………”girls just gotta have fun”….even when they’re moms. Glad you’re staying focused Amos. We’ll keep you in our prayers!

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